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About us


Progressive Millennials for Action is an organization that centers itself around creating social change through action. Millennials are very important to the social and political change in America, however for the most part we have been alienated and ignore by many political leaders. PMFA is an organization that was created to assist in mobilizing Millennials and Generation Z. Since neither generation has proper representation for our beliefs and values, it is up to us to create those representations for ourselves. PMFA also believe that all human beings have the responsibility to engage and solve many of our own social, environmental, and economic problem ourselves without waiting for the federal government.  

We believe that people across the globe have more power than they think. Through our communities and local governments, we can create the kind of change in our communities that can be more effective than many federal programs. PMFA believes that the U.S. federal government has always worked as incrementalist when it comes to social change. The time has come when citizens in the United States and across the global have to take our problems into our own hands to create the changes we believe in.

PMFA creates action through a three step process; the first step of action is to identify the problem. This may seem like the obvious first step, which it is, but at PMFA we thrive to flush out the root of a problem. In American politics many of our political leaders can identify many problems in the United States but they fail at figuring out the many layers of most of the problems we face. As a result, we need to band together to find solutions for the many problems that exist in our society because our leaders are not always willing to figure out mutually beneficial solutions. The second step of PMFA is to find the root cause of a problem and come up with practical and creative solutions that will better serve the people. The key to the entire process of activism is to find the root cause of a problem and without truly understanding the entirety of a problem it will be extremely difficult to find a proactive and meaningful solution that works. The third step to the process is activism; this is putting our theories of solution into action.

We have three types of activism in PMFA. The first type is grass roots organizing, which is the backbone of our organization in terms of activism. We recruit, mobilize, and train citizens throughout our communities to act upon the solutions that we all collectively create. Secondly, lobbying is another form of activism. Lobbying our local and federal leaders is very important due to the fact that these leaders need to know what their constituents want, so we can effectively hold them accountable for their actions. Finally, becoming politically active is another form of activism. This means that we want our Millennial to embed themselves inside local and federal government jobs and campaigns. We understand that the most important social changes that occur in the United States have come from the grassroots organization. However we believe that without allies embedded inside local and federal governments it would be much harder to enact the changes that millennials would like to see.

PMFA 8 Pillars


These 8 pillars are the core to our organization, if our society progress in these 8 key areas, we believe this will create the kind of social change that will uplift everyone in our society.

Economic Development


Social Justice


Voting Rights




Climate Change


Foreign Policy




Health Care

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